Below, you'll find a easy way to email me with whatever projects you may have, big or small. If you'd rather work from whatever email service you use, you can contact me at uplinkedxd@gmail.com. In the subject line, it'd be helpful if you followed the following format. (Name of project | Task you'd like me to do.)
For example: (Happy Chainsaw | Backstory)
Don't worry if you have multiple tasks for me, just write multiple tasks or 'various writing' if you'd like me to write everything in your game.
I look forward to hearing from you. Below are additional links.

If you want to chat with me instead of an email, you can use Discord: Uplinked#6179
However, I do prefer it if you email me first. It makes organization much easier. I find that it's better to move to Discord after we've communicated what/how we will be working together.
If you click that little icon to the left, you'll go to my Patreon, a nice way to support my writing, if you wish.